Orthopaedic Surgery - Foot & Ankle

Location: Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center (Dearborn) or St. John Hospital and Medical Center (Detroit)
Instructor: Dr. Richard Needleman

Students will learn to perform a complete history & physical exam with patients that include ankle/foot complaints; expectations include how to diagnose and treat patients with bunions, diabetic foot ulcers, ankle fractures, Achilles tendon rupture and foot fractures. This elective is for senior students who desire an advanced education of foot and ankle disorders.

Methods: Private Practice/Operating Room/Ward Rounds.

Prerequisite: General Surgery

Recommended Reading Material: The student will be supplied with a reference booklet.

Length: 1 month; Days/Week: 5-6; Hours/Week: 40-70; Night Calls/Month: N/A (Please call (313) 375-7218 to arrange rotation).

Evaluation: Oral and Written

Maximum Number of Students (period-month-capacity): 1 (July): 2, 2 (August): 2, 3 (September): 2, 4 (October): 2, 5 (November): 2, 6 (December): 2, 7 (January): 2, 8 (February): 2, 9 (March): 2, 10 (April): 2, 11 (May): 2, 12 (June): 2